2025 CCCC Annual Convention April 9-12, 2025
Join us in Baltimore, MD for the 2025 CCCC Annual Convention and take advantage of the opportunities to interact with over 2,500 college-level educators focused on teaching writing. Attendees are two-year and four-year college-level faculty interested in discussing and sharing research with colleagues from across the nation and around the world, learning the latest methods in teaching composition across the levels, and meeting and learning from people with similar interests. Be a part of the CCCC Annual Convention during this critical moment, when writing has become the work of our time.
Top 5 Reasons to Exhibit at CCCC
1. Interact with leaders in the field of composition and rhetoric—CCCC attendees represent more than 1,200 institutions of higher education in the nation.
2. Establish your company as a leader in the language education marketplace.
3. Strengthen and cultivate your relationships with customers and potential authors.
4. Increase your visibility and add value to your brand.
5. Demonstrate and sell your products and services on the show floor.
Who Attends?
Deans and Department Heads
Teacher Educators
Adjunct/Part-Time Faculty
Classroom ELA Teachers
Students/Grad Students
Writing Program Administrators
Two-Year College faculty
Exhibit Space Rates
Per 10’ x 10’ Rate
In-Line Booth $1,500
Corner Booth $1,700
Furnishings, carpet, electricity, internet, A/V equipment, and shipping/drayage are not included
Exhibitor Benefits
Four complimentary badges per 10’ x 10’ booth space, with access to general sessions
Additional full-Convention registrations for booth staff and authors can be purchased for $100 each
8’ draped back wall and 3’ draped side walls
7” x 44” identification sign including company name and booth number
Listing in the Convention Program if exhibit space paid for by Friday 17, January 2025
Exhibitor Hours
Thursday, April 10
10:15 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Friday, April 11
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 12
8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

CCCC All-Attendee Event
(Multiple opportunities)
Join us for an entertaining social evening event on Friday following the awards presentation. This event may include live entertainment and a reception.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage at the event
Slide with logo in the program slide show
Choose from the following options:
Event Sponsor: $12,000
Entertainment Sponsor: $5,000 – add that they can do a 2-minute intro on stage
Convention Mobile App
Your sponsorship will provide a Convention mobile app for all Convention attendees. Each time they reference their plans for the day your support of CCCC's will be highlighted in the App!
Benefits include:
Banner ad within the mobile app
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Signage with information on how to download the app and recognizing the sponsor’s support within the installations
Pre- and post-convention mailing list of attendees
CCCC Professional Equity Project (PEP)
The program provides up to 20 travel grants of $335 each to adjunct, contingent, and part-time writing faculty at two-year and four-year institutions. In many cases, these faculty would not be able to attend the CCCC Annual Convention without this funding.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC PEP Award and CCCC Convention sponsor webpages
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage recognizing the sponsor’s support near the registration desk
Pre- and post-convention mailing list of attendees
Sponsor recognition during the awards presentation event
Wi-Fi Sponsor
Become a premier sponsor by providing wireless internet for attendees. Each attendee will type in the password of your choosing.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage recognizing the sponsor throughout the convention center with physical and online announcements of Wi-Fi access information
Pre- and post-convention mailing list of attendees
TYCA Conference Sponsor
The Two-Year College English Association (TYCA) Conference occurs on Wednesday of the CCCC Convention. Approximately 300 attendees participate in 50 breakout sessions, all-day poster sessions, opening session, a luncheon, and evening activities.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage near the TYCA Conference Opening Session and other locations during the Wednesday Conference
Pre- and post-convention mailing list of TYCA Conference attendees
TYCA All-Attendee Event Sponsor
$1,500 (limited opportunities)
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage near the All-Attendee Event
Pre- and post-convention mailing list of TYCA Conference attendees
Opportunity to provide a seat drop during the event.
Convention Lanyards
Have your logo printed on the official lanyards, which will be worn by all Convention attendees.
C’s the Day Engagement Game
This popular experience first debuted in 2011 as a lively, fun way for attendees to network and increase their involvement in the Convention. Be a part of this exciting partnership.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage in the Action Hub
Opening General Session
Kickoff session for the CCCC Convention with greetings from the Program Chair and a presentation by the CCCC Chair.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage near the Opening Session on Thursday morning
Opportunity to provide a seat drop during the session
Slide with logo in the program slide show
Anzaldúa Awards Reception
Celebration of the recipients of these awards, which support graduate students or first-time presenters whose work participates in the making of meaning out of sexual and gender minority experiences, with up to three $750 awards for travel to the CCCC Convention.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage near the reception on Thursday evening
CCCC Action Hub
Various organizations, events, and activities host informational and activity-based tables in a collaborative, high-traffic space, including groups connecting to local issues, CCCC Convention accessibility, and a popular welcome station for new Convention attendees.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage in a high-traffic area near the Action Hub
Newcomers’ Coffee Hour
Welcome breakfast for newcomers to the Convention where they have an opportunity to meet with leaders of CCCC on Thursday morning.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage near the Newcomers’ Coffee Hour on Thursday morning
Opportunity to provide a seat drop during
the event
Scholars for the Dream Award Program
Scholars for the Dream Awards encourage scholarship by historically underrepresented groups. This includes Black, Latinx, Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander scholars—persons whose presence and whose contributions are central to the full realization of our professional goals.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage and reception program
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage near the reception
CCCC Award Program and Reception
Award presentation and reception honoring CCCC award winners to take place Friday evening. This event is the second most attended within the convention.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage and awards program slide show
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage near the awards reception on Friday evening
Opportunity to provide a seat drop during the reception
CCCC Workshop Coffee Breaks
The CCCC Convention will offer a coffee break in the morning and afternoon on Wednesday, April 3, for over 500 workshop attendees.
Benefits include:
Company name and logo recognition on the CCCC Convention sponsor webpage
Sponsor recognition in the CCCC mobile app
Signage in a high-traffic area near the workshops
Onsite Advertising
CCCC Annual Convention Program
The CCCC Convention Program is provided to all attendees and is used to plan their personal Convention schedule and visits to the Exhibit Hall.
What’s more, the entire program will be uploaded to the CCCC Convention website for added exposure long after the show ends.
Space: Friday, January 24, 2025
Artwork: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Advertising Rates & Specs
Ad Size Color Net Rate:
Cover 4 Four-color $1,700
Cover 2 or 3 Black-and-white $1,500
Full Page Black-and-white $1,250
Half Page Black-and-white $1,000
6” x 9”
Full page and covers: 5” x 7.625”
Half page: 5” x 3.75”
Meterboard Signs
$1,500 for one or $2,250 for two
(Limited Availability)
Display your top 10 list of authors, a QR code to your newsletter, or your product detail on a two-sided meter board.
Pre & Post Convention Advertising
Dedicated Attendee E-Blast
We send your dedicated e-blast to registered attendees 10 days before the Convention or 5 days after.
Use an e-blast to promote a booth giveaway, an exhibitor session, or networking opportunities. We will send your HTML e-blast to registered attendees and has final approval on all messaging.
CCCC Email List Rental
Reach CCCC Annual Convention attendees with your message when you rent the email list!
The pre-registration list will be sent to you two weeks prior to the event. The full registration list will be sent to you one week after the event. One-time use of each list only. Email content is subject to NCTE approval.
CCC Journal
College Composition and Communication is the journal of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. CCC publishes research and scholarship in composition studies that support those who teach writing at the college level. Articles for CCC stem from a number of fields and are relevant to the work of college writing teachers and responsive to recent work in composition studies.
*CCC is published in February, June, September, and December.
To be included in the February CCC Journal contract signature is due by 1/10/25.
Additional Year Around Print Advertising: NCTE College Journal Bundle | NCTE Media Kit
Exhibit, Sponsorship & Ad Sales
Contact Christina at 410-584-1972 or
Art Submissions
Please submit high-resolution PDFs to Megan Lebo at megan.lebo@wearemci.com