When you want to make a powerful impact on literacy leaders and educators across the preK–16 market, advertise in NCTE’s membership magazine. Published quarterly, The Council Chronicle delivers articles about issues and trends in the English language arts, interviews with prominent literacy leaders, as well as practical tips and resources that teachers can use right away in the classroom.
Circulation: 11,000
Published: Mar, Aug, Sep, and Dec
Tip: Aug is the Annual Convention Preview and one of our most popular issues. Contact us for more information.

Ad Rates
No agency commission. Ads are also included in the online PDF version available to subscribers on NCTE.org
Ad Specifications

Trim: 8.25" x 10.875"
Live Area: 7" x 10"
Bleed Size: 9.25" x 11.5"

7" x 4.875"

1/2 PAGE
3" x 9.125"

1/4 PAGE
3" x 4.875"
Submission Deadlines
Please supply only a print-ready PDF file. We cannot accept any native application file formats (no MS Word, InDesign, Publisher, etc) or any other file format. PDF must be a hi-res, print ready file. All raster images should be 300 dpi. All fonts must be embedded.
Do NOT include printer’s marks (crop marks, registration marks, etc) in the file submission. Do NOT include a bleed with fractional ads unless specified. Color: Color ads must use CMYK color only. RGB color or spot colors (such as Pantone colors) are NOT acceptable.
We cannot guarantee an exact color match. If advertiser requires a critical color match, please contact your materials contact. The publisher is not responsible for printing errors due to incorrect file preparation.
Submitting files: Please go to https://ncte.sendmyad.com/ to submit files.
For questions about submitting your ad contact: Megan Lebo megan.lebo@wearemci.com (410) 584-1907